Utilize your resources for individual success.
Do you feel that you are blocked in your performance or creativity? Is it currently difficult to utilize your skills and resources as usual? Are you not enjoying your work anymore and feel "burned out" ?
At iska-berlin coaching is understood as holistic coaching, where your work situation can be the starting point, but personal development as a whole is in the foreground.
iska coaching is aimed at employees, self employed, management and senior management. It is characterized, among other things, by:
- a systemic- resource-oriented approach and perspective
- activation and use of the participants resources during and especially outside of the coaching process
- focused and goal- oriented coaching, tailored to the individual
- strengthening an experience of competence to enable success
- conveying an inner attitude that promotes growth
Cancelation policy: Appointments have to be canceled 48 hours - only workdays ( Monday - Friday) - in advance in order to be free of charge.