Utilize your own resources and rediscover the joy of life
iska-berlin offers therapy for individuals, couples, communities and all kinds of families, such as stepfamilies, single-parent families, extended families, and others.
Our therapeutic approach is a systemic, resource and goal oriented one. Systemic means that we consider the complexity of our clients’ lives and include the relevant systems in which they live and work. Systemic therapy is interested in what happens between people, how they react to each other, and the patterns and rules that have emerged over time. Members of a system influence each other with their behavior and reactions to others.
Systemic therapy is also interested in thinking, feeling and behavioral patterns of individuals. People live in their habits and often repeat themselves in what they think, feel and do. A methodological focus at iska-berlin is thus the interruption of painful vicious circles of "more of the same", and instead the activation of the clients’ tacit knowledge, for example through the use of internal images, as well as stimulating impulses for new perspectives.
Since systemic therapy is resource oriented, it focuses more on human strengths than on deficits. It deals with the question of why these strengths cannot be utilized in the case concerned, although this is perhaps quite possible in other contexts.
The goal of therapy is to activate blocked resources, make them available again and to improve the quality of life.
Therapy at iska-berlin remains financially viable, because the meetings are held every two to four weeks.
Cancelation policy: Appointments have to be canceled 48 hours - only workdays ( Monday - Friday) - in advance in order to be free of charge.